Recent Updates

Last updated: August 30, 2002


Did some touch up work on my homepage and cleared broken links. Whatever happened to so many sites?
I can't manage playing the gameboy games. If any of you managed through it you can send me your save files or tips to me.
Got two new gameboy Ninku links. Have it in my games page.
Check the links page for the Ninku series videos.
Hey, I just found out a site where they have the title and ending video for the Ninku movie. I have put it in my links page. Its under the Animeart link.
Its been quite some time since I visited the page myself. I keep getting messages from people regarding the various powers of the characters. Thing is some of them aren't very convincing. So folks, please try sending in the stuff with a lil' bit of extra info. That's about it for now.
This one is for all you Aicho fans. Some of them complained that the game saves were fully concentrated on Phusuke. So completed with full power for Aicho. The password is available in the games section. 
I'll try and put up the entire Ninku story up (BIG work isn't it?). So lets see how it goes.
I recently corrected some of the URL's in the games section and did some touch up 
Thought I might add this column to keep you folks updated. 


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