Other Ninku characters
(Former Ninku captain core no. 5)
He appears in the complete series for only about three to four episodes. He possesses fire power. He supposedly was very active in his early life however after the Ninku clan was broken up he becomes very lazy, sleeping all the time and depending on an old lady (what's her name? ) for his livelihood. In one of the episodes he sleeps away as he err...well doing potty!! Is this guy for real???
Some of his techniques:
1)Kuenshu (Khu-en-shoo)
In this move Sakerai shoots out balls of flame or rings of them burning things up. In one of the episodes he shoots the ring of flame around Empire army soldiers and they fall unconscious.
This technique results in the formation of a long chain of flame. It is used by him and Sensei Raishu to burn up the tower in one of the final episodes.
Kasumi /Colonel Fasara
(Former Ninku captain core no. 7)
Formerly one of the better Ninku captains, he became heart broken when his fiancée dies during an Imperial army raid. He tries to attack the castle , the headquarters of the army but fails. He then joins the Army and is given the rank of Colonel by the Arch-Bishop Kojin. He changes his name to Bashara and freezes his heart. Freezing the heart is again a Ninku technique by which one loses all emotions. He tries really hard to entice Phusuke and his group to join him but to no avail. One episode even shows Colonel Maquira in love with our heartless fellow. (Strange isn't it?). He wears very feminine clothes and well, his mannerism is very gay-ish ?;) His power is ice.
1)Kusetsuken (Khu-set-shoo-ken)
Here Kusumi shoots out sharp ice blocks. The blocks are some what like shurikens. The explanation says that he is able to bring temperature to freezing points resulting in the freezing of moisture in the air. The shape and size of object can be altered by the movement of the fingers.
It is somewhat like a force shield, blue in colour which protects him from all damage.
3) Kusetsusou
In this technique Kusumi punches at the ground and the whole ground starts freezing with an increasing radius. It also freezes anyone or anything standing on it.
General Ajiratha
(General of the Imperial Army)
This General is the most experienced and the most loyal of the three Colonels. He is served by his trusted scientist who makes hell of a lot of inventions. He remains loyal to the Dyan (King) till the last. Anyone know what the name of the scientist is?
Colonel Maquira
Born in a royal family, her family and her kingdom were completely wiped out by a group of Ninkus. She was left with only a few maid servants and her monkey. The army of this blue-eyed girl consists of only women, each of them having special powers. Her blue eyes are supposed to help in the summoning the sky dragon. She possesses many powers but on the negative side she is a complete drunkard.
Arch-bishop Kojin
Kojin is an ex-Ninku sensei and equal in powers to Raishu. He and Raishu tried to control the sky-dragon but in vain. Many Ninku soldiers were killed along with Kojin's family. He from then onwards held a personal vendetta against the sky dragon. he spent the rest of his life trying to control the sky dragon. Unlike Raishu who is strong with fire techniques he is good with ice and rain (including lightening) techniques. He and Raishu initially tried to obtain the Sky dragon's powers by taming it. However the dragon not only escaped, but also killed many people and caused a lot of destruction. The entire family of Kojin is wiped out and so he has a sort of personal vendetta against the dragon and his only motive in life remains to control the Sky dragon and in due course destroy it.
Master Raishu
The Ninku sensei, he is adept at fire techniques. He was to become the rightful leader if he would defeat Kojin (is that true?) And did too. But Kojin was jealous and went against the Ninku rule of not fighting others for your self. Raishu first fought against the Imperial army but then went away (kinda hard to understand why. Any body got ideas?) He than went in with a mission to spread peace. However he was forced to fight with Raishu and after that nothing was heard of him until the last episodes. We are lead to believe that he was killed by Kojin who uses his dark powers against him. However he actually isn't killed and he comes back in the last episodes.
The Animal fighters/ Iron Clan
They belong to the Core 11 "Eno-nin". Throughout the series there is only one animal fighter. They can convert themselves into animals (dog for our Animal fighter) and can speak through these animals. They also seem to have a control over these animals. They never reveal themselves to people and it is believed that if a person of any other Ninku core looks at him, he is cursed with bad luck or may even die.
1)Kuenzai (Ku-en-zai)
The person gets transformed into an iron ball.
The Sky Dragon
I included it because most of the story is wound around it. The Sky dragon epitomizes absolute power and it is said that if the sky dragon enters a person the person gets completely changed. The Sky dragon generally resides in the center of the Phusue(Kichimi) valley.